TU BA 4 year (I Year) 2077 - Rural Development (Therories of Development)
T.U. Exam 2077
Time: 3 hrs
Full marks:70
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full.marks.
Attempt any TWO questions from Group A and FOUR from Group B
Group "A": Long Questions (2x15-30)
1. What do you mean by development? What are the differences between growth and development?
2. Critically evaluate the assumptions of Keynesian economics?
3. Describe the effects of dependency theory on developing countries.
Group "B" Short Questions (4 x 10=40)
4. What are the key principles of postmodernism? Explain.
5. How does modemization contribute to the development?
6. What is the key principle of dialectical materialism? Justify.
7. How is sustainable development linked to standard of living?
8. How does nationalism relate to our identity? Explain
9. Write short note:
a. Rural Development
b. World System Theory
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