TU BA 4 year (I Year) 2078 - Rural Development (Therories of Development)
T.U. Exam 2078
Time: 3 hrs
Full marks: 70
Attempt any TWO questions from Group A and FOUR from Group B
Group "A": Long Questions 2x15=30
1. Define rural development. Explain the significance of rural development in the context of Nepal.
2. What are the main ideas of classical economics? Write down the differences between classical and neo-classical economics.
3. How does modernization theory promote development in developing countries like Nepal?
Group "B": Short Questions 4x10=40
4. How do you define rational nationalism? Explain with suitable examples.
5. What are the basic elements of community development? Explain.
6. What is meant by political economy? State its nature.
7. Differentiate between naturalism and rationalism.
8. Discuss the pros and cons of dependency theory?
9. How does sustainable development goal contribute to the developing countries?
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