TU Exam 2078
RD 422
Time : 3 hrs
Group "A": (Long Questions)
Answer any TWO.
1. Define the concept of research. Explain the implication of social science research in development.
2. What are the sources and nature of data? Explain with suitable example.
3. Calculate mean, median and mode from the following data:
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Group "B": (Short Questions)
Answer any Four.
4. What are the steps of research proposal? Write with suitable examples.
5. Write meaning and types of hypothesis.
6. What is research design? What are the essential elements of good research design?
7. Write meaning and importance of quantitative and qualitative data.
8. What do you mean by sampling? Explain simple random sampling.
9. Discuss the application of statistics in rural development research.
TU BA 4 year (I Year) 2078 - Rural Development (Basic Research Method) (422)
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