Tribhuvan University
2078 (Partial)/2079 (Regular)
Bachelor Level 4 Yrs. Prog./Humanities/I Year Full Marks: 70
RD-421: Theories of Development Time: 3 hrs.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Attempt any TWO questions from Group A and FOUR from Group B
Group "A" : Long Questions 2x15=30
1. What is meant by Development? Describe the different dimensions of Development.
2. What are the strengths and weaknesses of classical and neo classical economics?
3. Critically examine the application of modernization theory in developing countries.
Group "B" Short Questions 4x10=40
4. How do you define feminist perspective on development?
5. What is dialectical materialism according to Marx?
6. How is nationalism manifested?
7. What are sustainable development goals? Explain.
8. What are the main assumptions of world system theory? Explain.
9. Write short note:
a. Women in development
b. Community development